Grandmaster Min Hae Choi

Grandmaster Min Hae Choi was born in Busan, South Korea and as a teenager he was accepted into one of Korea’s most prestigious martial arts schools, the Ji Do Kwan Academy of Self Defense. Grandmaster Choi served in the South Korean and US Military, doing his part to fight the spread of communism in Asia. While doing his recruit training, Master Choi was teaching the Korean Army in Tae Kwon Do. After he had completed recruit training, the Korean Military sent him to work with the US Military. There Master Choi served in the 8th Army Division as part of the Special Services Office and taught martial arts to US Military troops in Korea.

When Master Choi completed his service, he was offered a scholarship at his hometown university to continue his martial arts training. He also received an offer to join the Korean Police Force as a Tae Kwon Do Instructor for the Korean Police Department Headquarters. He respectfully turned down both offers to pursue his dream to live in America and share his love of martial arts. He started his work as a Martial Arts Instructor at the Indianapolis Police Department and several area YMCAs. From 1971-73 Master Choi trained Indianapolis Police Officers.

In 1971, after growing a student base, Master Choi established the first ever Tae Kwon Do school in the state of Indiana. In 1973 he was recognized by the Indiana Association of Chiefs of Police for training Police Officers and physical education instructors for the Indiana Police Department Training Academy. Choi Martial Arts Academy continued to grow, and a new building was built in 1978 in Southport, Indiana.

Master Choi was the first President of the International Martial Arts Federation (IMF) and the Tae Kwon Do American Athletic Union. He has also won many awards for competition and service to the martial arts. Among them include a citation from the Kukkiwon in 1983 for the development of Tae Kwon Do. In 2007, Grandmaster Choi became one of the founding members of the Unites States Tae Kwon Do Martial Arts Commission (USATMAC) and later in 2009 was awarded a citation from the World Tae Kwon Do Federation for his dedication and service to Tae Kwon Do. In 2019, Grandmaster Choi was inducted into the United States Taekwondo Grandmasters Society Hall of Fame and given a Lifetime Achievement Award. He now sits on the USTGS Board of Directors.

Grandmaster Min Hae Choi

Today Master Choi is a 9th Degree Black Belt and has been teaching Tae Kwon Do for more than 60 years in Indianapolis, Indiana. He has trained more than 10,000 students throughout his distinguished career, many of whom went on to earn a black belt themselves. Many martial arts schools have a master who does not provide direct instruction. Instead, they use under qualified student assistants to teach you. We do not believe in this approach. Master Choi takes pride in directly working with you. The students of Master Choi are indeed honored to study with him and appreciate his willingness to share his knowledge. To date, Choi Martial Arts Academy is the longest running Tae Kwon Do School in the state of Indiana.